Help build Utah's GIS community
UGRC is honored to be a part of and participate in many user groups, councils, committees, associations, and communication channels. Join us in one or more of these groups to share and learn together through presentations, networking, and formal and casual communication. We look forward to meeting and working with you!
GIS user groups
Utah's GIS user groups are valuable venues to obtain the latest information on technology, data, and projects. User groups are formed and managed by GIS practitioners in various regions throughout the state. They are great for meeting new Utah GIS community members, and connecting with longtime colleagues and friends. UGRC staff attend several user group meetings each year, when possible.
Utah Geographic Information Council (UGIC)
UGIC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to lead the effective application of geographic information in Utah. It is their vision to provide a modern, accurate, documented, and accessible geospatial information infrastructure for all of Utah. They contribute to and participate in many GIS events such as the annual Maps on the Hill (MOTH), local user group meetings, and GIS Day activities. The culminating UGIC event is an annual conference held in one of Utah's many unique communities that brings the whole Utah GIS community together. UGRC maintains an ongoing, appointed seat on the UGIC Board.

National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)
NSGIC is a national organization that promotes the coordinated, impactful, and cost-efficient application of GIS and other location-based information and analytics to best serve the nation, with emphasis on the power of initiatives and public policy that connect across local, state, federal, and private sector partners. UGRC representatives attend bi-annual conferences, and participate in NSGIC initiatives. UGRC was an early member of the NSGIC organization, and has helped to develop national and state-level geospatial policies and guiding principles.

Utah Association of Counties (UAC)
UAC is a voluntary, statewide organization consisting of the 29 counties of Utah whose purpose is improving the operation of county governments and therefore the quality of services to their residents. These counties are special partners to UGRC and we greatly respect and rely on them for their local knowledge and their ongoing sharing of data that we aggregate and make available for many important statewide systems. UGRC staff often sponsor a booth and give presentations at the annual UAC conferences.

Utah Committee on Geographic Names
Organized within the Department of Cultural and Community Engagement's Utah Historical Society, The Utah Committee on Geographic Names is tasked with reviewing and providing recommendations regarding geographic name proposals in Utah. UGRC staff have been part of the committee for many years to help decide new, and changes to, geographic names in Utah.